****Hex Crack for Triple play 99*********** (crack is only good for updated patched version) (update has no version but is avaliable from ea) use a hex editor and edit the foloowing line starting at 009F168 original code looks like E8 E8 DA 02 00 00 85 edit this to look like E8 90 90 90 90 90 85 the cd check is then removed.... but to play the game u must copy the art folder, the video folder, and the audio sounds that u wish to hear (ie you can have all the sounds but the playbyplay is 220 meg so just turn it off and dont copy it over),and the stadinfo folder, and the video folder from the cd. then u must edit(in notepad) the install.dat file to tell the program where on your harddrive these files are located. file cracked by shade..................